Thank you so much for this Sayer. I

have been contemplating even bought the book on this but shied away. Glad I did.

Also wondering the same on Chlorine Dioxide.

Any research / tips on this?

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Chlorine dioxide, peroxide type things are super-oxidants.. They do to the body's cells the opposite of anti-oxidants which protect from damage from oxidants.

I think of the super-oxidants as mild chemo-therapy, where you want to destroy something like a bacterial infection and risk some damage in the process.

Since oxidants and anti-oxidants counter each other, a treatment choice with super-oxidants to kill a bug should be done without eating a bunch of anti-oxidant foods and supplements which would neutralize the oxidant.

I consider CD and peroxide as a chemical nuke, which might be fine for a short duration treatment, but get back on the anti-oxidants right away to help stop the oxidant cellular burning effect that happens when you burn up the bad germs.

Makes sense?

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Thank you! Have been shying away from Chlorine Dioxide thus far. Had breast cancer removed to clean margins in Jan. 2024. Husband had 3 squamous cell carcinomas removed. Still considering perhaps mebendazole, fenbendazole, hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin. Now taking tumor inhibitor supplements.

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Am a paid subscribe to GreenMedInfo. Thank you Sayer for your unflagging efforts to improve our health by offering much needed research into alternative medicine and some of the very best in research!


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I would like to know as well!

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Hoping to learn more about Chlorine Dioxide.

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Thank you for this information. I have concerns as my husband uses this. I have noticed his eyes are turning blue…If one is using MB are the effects ie staining, permanent and if so are they reversible?

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Dr. Thomas Levy gave me personally a Spike detox protocol which I posted on my substack for everyone.. It was calling for 25mg of MD daily... It stribked me from very begin because it is almost identical with Riboflavin's aromatic portion except for few atoms difference N instead of S in MB and the difference on colors blue(440-485)nm versus orange(590-625nm).. Riboflavin is known to be incredible ROS scavenger and the live giving properties, but since everyone was advertising MB, I just left it there. Not only that, Dr. Levy immediately responded with this link which tells way more details about how MB works:


After seeing this now, I linked this post to that old post of mine to warn everyone, but possibly as always, the DOSE plays a role, here one doc from https://www.drlaurendeville.com/methylene-blue/:

"Methylene blue is a hormetic drug, which means that at low doses it can improve oxidative phosphorylation, enhance glucose uptake, oxygen utilization, ATP production, and decrease inflammation and oxidative stress. However, at higher doses, it can do the opposite of all of these things, converting from medicine to poison. Therefore, the dose matters greatly. I recommend making sure that you have a naturopathic or functional medicine provider’s help in the process."

becasue there are many health applications of that chenical indeed, here another summary:


So just in case, one need to search for detox of MB, for those who took too much, here some tips:

1. H2O2, which is good because it ALSO degrades graphene... :


2. a bug, just not sure if it is genetically modified:


"Efficient degradation and detoxification of methylene blue dye by a newly isolated ligninolytic enzyme producing bacterium Bacillus albus MW407057"

and possibly many more.

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👏👏👏👏💯🎯😉 getting the kids or biohackers to recognise that less is more is a difficult concept at the best of times, especially with hormetic therapies. If you were going into surgery, then I would be asking a trained (in MB as a therapeutic) to use it, due to electron donor properties. But for everyday use, i don't recommend anymore, especially because most people are on some form of polypharmacy (including supps), and even with interaction checkers, your not going to be able to predict the tolerance for everyone.

Besides most of the disease states these days, are mitochondrial compensation, so addressing the photonic issues first will negate a large portion of issues. But peeps today want their cake and eat it too. Can't be a creature of light AND ignore or break all of the fundemental living laws of nature!

#YOUarelight #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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NEVER TRUST ANYTHING with FDA (or CDC) approval! Never.

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Hum...I got serotonin overload/syndrome once, when my doc added an anti-depressant to my migraine med. How stupid. Of course the migraine med was depressing me alone since it wasn't curing the daily migraine. Food was the problem deleting my salt. Geeze...

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I've heard that RFK Jr. uses it; I'd like to hear from him on this. I've used it for about 3 1/2 yrs haven't had any problems with it. It gives me a bit of energy and helps with mild depression.

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May I ask what concentration, dosage and intervals? Do you take breaks?

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dr H Clark regarded Methylen Blue as harmful dye of main concern, involved in cancer process as alkylizing; to be eliminated even in not ingested (as supplement) tiny amounts

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I saw a Facebook post in answer to this article I thought I would share:

“UPDATE: To balance this article and perspective, a friend offered his insight this morning:

"And this is why you don’t believe anyone online unless you research it yourself..

"Sayer goes on to recommend spirulina instead of MB. Spirulina contains a B12 analogue known as pseudovitamin B12, which structurally resembles true vitamin B12 but lacks its biological function. This analogue competes with genuine B12 for absorption, potentially leading to a functional deficiency in the body. Over time this can contribute to neurological issues and anemia, particularly in individuals relying on spirulina as a primary B12 source. Additionally, some spirulina products may contain toxins like microcystins, further raising concerns about its safety.

"Sayer says he is concerned about the long term consequences of introducing a synthetic chemical in the body, as am I, but what concern does he have for introducing a natural one?

"Also if you read the study Sayer references, the staining was observed in patients who received MB between 1 to 5 hours before death. This implies that the discoloration is temporary and diminishes postmortem, supporting the idea that MB induced staining is not permanent in organs despite how the article is portrayed.

"Again, I believe in using natural substances over synthetic, and I can’t stand the “biohacking” community, but I wish people did more research before sharing their opinions."”

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I never bought into it. Thank you for this very important information.

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Thank you. There are also studies demonstrating methylene blue depletes glutathione (reduced) and interferes with converting the oxidized form of glutathione to the reduced form so it can be useful for detoxification again. There’s no way I’m putting a synthetic, industrial dye in my body!

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I get to wonderin' if those studies were at the typical small doses or at the extremely high rates that prove harmful. We have many wonderful plant based helpers that will really mess you up at 40x the recommended dose or duration just like MB does at 40x.

Same for a lot of the "chemical" remedies.

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Thank you for a different perspective. I was not aware of it being a coal tar product.. I was using it about once every 10 days maybe two weeks for approximately one year I don't think I noticed anything.... but now that I read this.. I will drop it..

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Methylene Blue Merck.—C.P., Medicinal. Is recommended in the 1899 edition of Merck's manual, over 125 years ago.

"Bluish cryst., or blue powd.—Sol. in 50 parts water.—Uses: Rheumatism, malaria, cystitis, nephritis, etc.—Dose: 2—4 grn., in capsules.—Injection: 1 grn.—Max. D.: 15 grn., single or daily.—[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "Methylene Blue," containing clinical reports.]"

To your health, tracy

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I appreciate the info because I experimented with MB last week. The jury is still out over here because as stated in the article, "adverse effects in the medical literature, albeit at doses higher than the biohacking community typically takes.

From what I understand, the adverse effects from methylene blue are at EXTREMELY higher rates "higher than the biohacking community typically takes", but not just a little higher. I've seen info that to get the damages, they're taking like 40x what one might typically take in a typical small dose home health treatment.

Secondly, As for, "We need a new model that recognizes the potential for harm even at extremely low doses." speaks of a potential that has not been found as of yet to exist.

And "If methylene blue can alter biological systems at such minuscule doses, we must ask: What are the long-term consequences of introducing this synthetic chemical..."

I assume that the weird colored heart pics and bad reactions were from massive dosing, even intravenous.

All organics are made of chemicals and all chemicals are made of organics. Some hurt and some don't.

I'm not arguing that there can be no damage. I'm just saying that the Jury's not in yet. Long term use in the smaller doses may turn out to be harmless.

I also assume that spirulina blue shouldn't necessarily have matching effects with MB just because it's blue and absorbs similar doses at a similar rate.

There's room for some side by side rigorous experimenting with Blue algae compared to MB to find out if maybe it can hurt you or maybe not in what might turn out to be safe doses at safe intervals and such.

I love the algae. I look forward to further research.

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