THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE! My heart goes out to you, RFKJr's supporters, the families and individuals he is defending, and RFKJr himself. God is on our side! ❤️🇺🇲 Bless you!
Just praying that dignity, truth, kindness and good old common sense will prevail. The Senators opposed to RFK Jr were so obviously given a script to follow and directed to not ask sincere questions, only to prosecute him as if he’s an enemy of the people. Considering what’s on the line here, they are obviously the ones who don’t care, only pretend to.
You have a bunch of criminal politicians who have been getting a ton of money from big pHARMA and insurance companies and they do not care about peoples health and never have.. They are in it for money, priviledged, status and power.. You see now why things never change, these politicians are paid mouth pieces for Gates and big pHARMA..
Dear Sayer Ji, i am VERY concerned about the RIght and Acces to medical support of the large numbers of native american communities which are going to suffer from the Trump administrations cuts in insurances of health for them if medical care is binded to employment. Is this fair? first beeing massacred and comlonialized, eraded almost and becoming survivors of genocide, now deprived in reservations. Despite their tremendous knowledge of natural laws, there ist now are real threat, is RF Kennedy in charge to PROTECT also theese people.or ist this all about Trumpis? With respectful and friendly greetings, thankful for your herbal work,from Joan, writing from Germany here
I'm still listening to the hearing, and see it is NOT GOOD... Where will it end? Too many enemies against HUMAN health! This inquisition is not only against RFK, it is also against DJ Trump, who indeed didn't do ANY good with the criminal War(p) S(p)eed...
Can't really stand Mr. WY-DEN...
Just not getting why RFK Jr. had SO MUCH defense material and now is NOT USING it!!! For example, Samoa crimes!!!!
They all wanted to hear themselves talk. Because Bobby was not forced to say things that would have perhaps been used against him, he won. It's not official yet, but he won.
Well, on Day No 2 when RF KEnnedy Jr. stated he SUPPORTS GENE THERAPIES and will CONTINUE support NIH in their work, which means support of work on changing HUMANS to nobody yet knows to WHAT???
My thoughts & prayers are with Bobby & all of you who made it to the hearings. Thank you! Angry that Siri was withdrawn from Bobby's team.. If senators had attended the meeting of the COVID vaccine injured, which they were all invited to, they could clearly understand Bobby's position. Instead they remain willfully ignorant. How many received a waiver from the COVID vaccine? Let's talk about that, Senator Wyden.
So glad you were there - this is so maddening, hard to watch. Let the man speak - but they won't, he is too smart for them, so all they can do is try to keep him from speaking the truth.
Thank You All, for what has been accomplished. I wish I could have been there. I emailed my two reps and told them part of my story this morning. A great day.......
Please take the time to write these 5 senators that believe the CDC's take on science. If we do not demand the respect and the will of, We the People, nothing will change.
Here are their names and copy of my rushed letter to each of them.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
• Susan Collins (R-ME)
• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
*Andy Kim ( D-NJ)
Bobby Kennedy had to end his campaign after being heavily censored smeared and silenced. He had to spend millions to defend himself in court case after court case, to prevent him from having his name on State ballots, later, when he suspended his campaign and made efforts to remove his name off of swing state ballots he was sued to keep his name on them. I met people here in Oregon who up to last July had no idea he was even running for POTUS. RFK Jr is the only person with enough courage to talk about what is really making so many of us so ill, it's an epidemic and growing every day. I and millions of others know we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals drugs vaccines EMFs heavy metals and much more. We are tired of having to make the effort to eat clean and try our best to live clean, it shouldn't be this way. In fact it's so bad it's impossible. RFK Jr is the only one out there wanting to know why and to give We the People the answer to why are we so sick in the USA. Studies need to be done on every manmade chemical and proven safe before using them. Why is this burden of proof of harm given to We the People? Nothing should be sold to us or used on us without giving us full disclosure and proof of safety. Don't you want safe products and drugs? I stopped going to doctors back in 2018 after firing 5 of them, they did nothing but cause me harm and write drug scripts. If I hadn't taken back my choice of how to help myself, I would not be here today, but still cannot heal living in a toxic world, and Bobby knows how to fix this. He's a very intelligent kind man who thrives on helping people be the best versions of themselves, We can not achieve wellness without looking at everything in our environment, there is so much that harm all of us every day. People in the CDC HHS NIH FDA USDA all need to be reevaluated and see what work they have done to improve the health and well being of all Americans. I can tell you now, We the People know no one cares, no one is wanting to change or cut out or be investigated or have their work studied. You can't allow drug companies to police themselves, you cannot allow flawed studies and bought studies to stand on themselves. In science if something is proven to be correct or effective, it must also happen again and again by other scientists and studies, but that is not what's happening, nothing is challenged or proven by others because they are shut out slandered and silenced. We cannot thrive on democracy without the free flow of discussion, not withheld from the public, We the People. We need change and Bobby is the man We the People have chosen, to do this work. I urge you to not ignore what we need and demand from the USA government, to confirm RFK Jr with an overwhelming yes vote. I want to heal, my family, friends and neighbors want to heal. Do not get stuck on the statement 'settled science' nothing is settled in science it should always be challenged and proven over and over again. FOIA requests have proven no studies have been done on the vaccinated and unvaccinated, no studies (reputable) have been done on the cause of autism. My youngest brother suffered with autism spectrum symptoms after being vaccinated. Why is that? We need studies, robust studies, by many scientist. We are not clones, each and every one of us has different gut microbiome, different diets, different experiences with drug treatments etc. and yet we are all treated the same. I personally was poisoned by that insidious chemical concoction of Roundup, making me so ill, I almost died, getting down to 89 pounds unable to eat anything but bananas and only able to drink water, everything else gave me chronic diarrhea and or daily vomiting, it was like living in a blender filled with toxins and zero help from MDs. Are we really living in the greatest Nation, when our medical system, food system and highly toxic environment brings us to our knees with dis-ease and death? We can rebuild our health we can be a strong Nation if you vote yes to confirm Bobby Kennedy.
Yes! Unprecedented! And, thank you for being there! We the People have spoken, and will continue to speak! Our voices will be heard as a clarion call to all those who want to continue the sick, perverse control. We will not be moved!
Thank you for your courage in supporting what is right Sayer. If I'd know that people from other countries had signed letters to the senators I would have done so also, but thought it was for Americans only. So hope and pray RFK Jn. gets in. Some of the questions to him were just simply attacks giving him no chance at answering, so rather useless to assess his responses. If that's really what they were supposed to do????
THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE! My heart goes out to you, RFKJr's supporters, the families and individuals he is defending, and RFKJr himself. God is on our side! ❤️🇺🇲 Bless you!
Just praying that dignity, truth, kindness and good old common sense will prevail. The Senators opposed to RFK Jr were so obviously given a script to follow and directed to not ask sincere questions, only to prosecute him as if he’s an enemy of the people. Considering what’s on the line here, they are obviously the ones who don’t care, only pretend to.
You have a bunch of criminal politicians who have been getting a ton of money from big pHARMA and insurance companies and they do not care about peoples health and never have.. They are in it for money, priviledged, status and power.. You see now why things never change, these politicians are paid mouth pieces for Gates and big pHARMA..
Dear Sayer Ji, i am VERY concerned about the RIght and Acces to medical support of the large numbers of native american communities which are going to suffer from the Trump administrations cuts in insurances of health for them if medical care is binded to employment. Is this fair? first beeing massacred and comlonialized, eraded almost and becoming survivors of genocide, now deprived in reservations. Despite their tremendous knowledge of natural laws, there ist now are real threat, is RF Kennedy in charge to PROTECT also theese people.or ist this all about Trumpis? With respectful and friendly greetings, thankful for your herbal work,from Joan, writing from Germany here
I will look deeper into this. Thank you for bringing this important issue up!
I'm still listening to the hearing, and see it is NOT GOOD... Where will it end? Too many enemies against HUMAN health! This inquisition is not only against RFK, it is also against DJ Trump, who indeed didn't do ANY good with the criminal War(p) S(p)eed...
Can't really stand Mr. WY-DEN...
Just not getting why RFK Jr. had SO MUCH defense material and now is NOT USING it!!! For example, Samoa crimes!!!!
They all wanted to hear themselves talk. Because Bobby was not forced to say things that would have perhaps been used against him, he won. It's not official yet, but he won.
WHAT?????????? THANK YOU Sayer!!! Why on earth nobody told me earlier, my nerves are 'finished', need some Vitamins to recover!
Well, on Day No 2 when RF KEnnedy Jr. stated he SUPPORTS GENE THERAPIES and will CONTINUE support NIH in their work, which means support of work on changing HUMANS to nobody yet knows to WHAT???
I'm done with CRIMINALS!
Thank You.
There were a few times I, and perhaps of others, cringed.
My thoughts & prayers are with Bobby & all of you who made it to the hearings. Thank you! Angry that Siri was withdrawn from Bobby's team.. If senators had attended the meeting of the COVID vaccine injured, which they were all invited to, they could clearly understand Bobby's position. Instead they remain willfully ignorant. How many received a waiver from the COVID vaccine? Let's talk about that, Senator Wyden.
I wish I could tell each of those scum bags grilling him exactly how evil and disgusting they really are. I could never forgive these evil monsters
So glad you were there - this is so maddening, hard to watch. Let the man speak - but they won't, he is too smart for them, so all they can do is try to keep him from speaking the truth.
What a wonderful time to be alive! I'm praying Bobby gets in! This MUST happen.
Thank You All, for what has been accomplished. I wish I could have been there. I emailed my two reps and told them part of my story this morning. A great day.......
THANK YOU for what you do.
Amen! Let's all work to make that change!
Please take the time to write these 5 senators that believe the CDC's take on science. If we do not demand the respect and the will of, We the People, nothing will change.
Here are their names and copy of my rushed letter to each of them.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
• Susan Collins (R-ME)
• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
*Andy Kim ( D-NJ)
Bobby Kennedy had to end his campaign after being heavily censored smeared and silenced. He had to spend millions to defend himself in court case after court case, to prevent him from having his name on State ballots, later, when he suspended his campaign and made efforts to remove his name off of swing state ballots he was sued to keep his name on them. I met people here in Oregon who up to last July had no idea he was even running for POTUS. RFK Jr is the only person with enough courage to talk about what is really making so many of us so ill, it's an epidemic and growing every day. I and millions of others know we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals drugs vaccines EMFs heavy metals and much more. We are tired of having to make the effort to eat clean and try our best to live clean, it shouldn't be this way. In fact it's so bad it's impossible. RFK Jr is the only one out there wanting to know why and to give We the People the answer to why are we so sick in the USA. Studies need to be done on every manmade chemical and proven safe before using them. Why is this burden of proof of harm given to We the People? Nothing should be sold to us or used on us without giving us full disclosure and proof of safety. Don't you want safe products and drugs? I stopped going to doctors back in 2018 after firing 5 of them, they did nothing but cause me harm and write drug scripts. If I hadn't taken back my choice of how to help myself, I would not be here today, but still cannot heal living in a toxic world, and Bobby knows how to fix this. He's a very intelligent kind man who thrives on helping people be the best versions of themselves, We can not achieve wellness without looking at everything in our environment, there is so much that harm all of us every day. People in the CDC HHS NIH FDA USDA all need to be reevaluated and see what work they have done to improve the health and well being of all Americans. I can tell you now, We the People know no one cares, no one is wanting to change or cut out or be investigated or have their work studied. You can't allow drug companies to police themselves, you cannot allow flawed studies and bought studies to stand on themselves. In science if something is proven to be correct or effective, it must also happen again and again by other scientists and studies, but that is not what's happening, nothing is challenged or proven by others because they are shut out slandered and silenced. We cannot thrive on democracy without the free flow of discussion, not withheld from the public, We the People. We need change and Bobby is the man We the People have chosen, to do this work. I urge you to not ignore what we need and demand from the USA government, to confirm RFK Jr with an overwhelming yes vote. I want to heal, my family, friends and neighbors want to heal. Do not get stuck on the statement 'settled science' nothing is settled in science it should always be challenged and proven over and over again. FOIA requests have proven no studies have been done on the vaccinated and unvaccinated, no studies (reputable) have been done on the cause of autism. My youngest brother suffered with autism spectrum symptoms after being vaccinated. Why is that? We need studies, robust studies, by many scientist. We are not clones, each and every one of us has different gut microbiome, different diets, different experiences with drug treatments etc. and yet we are all treated the same. I personally was poisoned by that insidious chemical concoction of Roundup, making me so ill, I almost died, getting down to 89 pounds unable to eat anything but bananas and only able to drink water, everything else gave me chronic diarrhea and or daily vomiting, it was like living in a blender filled with toxins and zero help from MDs. Are we really living in the greatest Nation, when our medical system, food system and highly toxic environment brings us to our knees with dis-ease and death? We can rebuild our health we can be a strong Nation if you vote yes to confirm Bobby Kennedy.
Susan Boyce
Yes! Unprecedented! And, thank you for being there! We the People have spoken, and will continue to speak! Our voices will be heard as a clarion call to all those who want to continue the sick, perverse control. We will not be moved!
LFG!!! 👏🏽👏🏽❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you for your courage in supporting what is right Sayer. If I'd know that people from other countries had signed letters to the senators I would have done so also, but thought it was for Americans only. So hope and pray RFK Jn. gets in. Some of the questions to him were just simply attacks giving him no chance at answering, so rather useless to assess his responses. If that's really what they were supposed to do????