When the Chemtrails are halted, I’ll know that the government is listening to the people.

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L O V E………you are exactly right! !

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a great first BABY step! why? Given that wind, rain and rivers do not end at the borders of one state, that victory needs to extend on the entire country AND countries, i.e. across the globe in fact, in order to be really efficient 100%.

Nano-particles suspended in the upper atmosphere can float up to 2 years up there, and go anywhere where the 5G/6G/EMF systems direct them to go..

Always ask why would 'they' spray strontium, for example, or aluminum? Always look at the oldest and the newest research involving those elements..

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A good start......but really does not DO anything.

WHO is going to ENFORCE this??

AND......what about when they SPRAY OFF-SHORE, or IN ANOTHER STATE.....and it drifts into Fla.??

As I said......GOOD START!


GO AFTER THE FAA and ALL other FEDERAL (CRIMINAL) 'agencies' involved!

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Thank-you Sayer for your involvement, support and platform to help push climate engineering issue to attention. I know Dane is very thankful as he needs all the help from each and everyone of us. Been in this fight for 15 years and we will not stop until our last breath, what's up must come down, the ultimate biowarfare weapon. Grassroots efforts by reaching the masses. I have been sending out Geoengineeringwatch material to all states and if each of us does that and makes calls to reps, senators etc to rattle cages, just know, a year ago we couldnt get one to listen and now many in the works. We have written letters with Geoengineeringwatch,org material and sent to Fire Depts for one example. How about Farmers? If everyone reading this does some part, how much more will be reached. Do we have a choice? Please watch THE DIMMING https://geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/

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Fantastic. Now maybe other states will follow

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As a Floridian, I think this is wonderful. How will it be enforced? Unless the skies are constantly patrolled, it seems like there can only be consequences, like fines, which will not stop a determined federal government. IMO.

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It's the beginning of a process. These are black projects, and even public officials aren't 'read into' them. That said, We the People are rising up and we will not stand by as we are being poisoned flagrantly.

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Okay, I see that - I mentioned this to someone just now, on the phone, she lives in Florida - and she said What!? How does anybody modify the weather??? I told her to Google DARPA. And cloud seeding. So yes, it is great to just make people aware of weather modification. Supposedly HAARP is gone and never did anything to the weather, but best to not believe that. IMO.

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I wish ARkansas would be next!

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This is Very Good News for Florida and “We The People”! Minnesota sky’s are so bio-engineered very heavily daily that this is our second year OF PRETTY MUCH NO SNOW—But most of us love that cause the snow is dangerous to drive in cause the salt used on the roads DOES NOT WORK!

Now we also need some BIG legislation changes IN MEDICAL MALPRACTICE lawsuits AGAINST HOSPITALS AND PROVIDERS DOING GREAT HARM TO PATIENTS AND GETTING AWAY WITH criminal medical malpractice AND UNNECESSARY SURGERY AND OVER DRUGGING THE PATIENTS. This statue 145.682 Expert Witness allowing credible Very merited civil medical malpractice lawsuits against hospitals and surgeons causing GREAT HARM and crimes against humanity AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT—statue 145.682 IS TAKING PATIENTS RIGHTS AWAY FROM THEM IN medical malpractice lawsuits to protect themselves and VOICE WHAT REALLY HAPPENED —as we have all seen and heard SOME OF THE EXPERT WITNESSES ARE DOING GREAT DAMAGE and ARE NOT CREDIBLE, OR TRUST WORTHY. Good just legislation to protect patients rights, health, and spines from medical monsters in the hospitals and clinics IS VERY VERY NEEDED. And the attorneys doing this work protecting providers doing great harm to patients IS PATHETIC, IMMORAL, NO INTEGRITY HERE, criminal and LIARS themselves THESE ATTORNEYS and like soulless peoples are they doing this attorneys work helping one get away with crimes against humanity……….there is something very wrong here!

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Representative Lisa Fink dropped AZ HB 2056 Geoengineering prohibition on January 8, and it passed regulatory oversight committee on January 28. Now it has to be assigned a meeting date in the Natural Resources and Water committee on or before February 21.

I am trying to understand how Global Wellness Forum can help, and sent a message through your contact portal.

- 16,000 is an amazing FL response, congratulations!

Similarly, how can Stand For Health Freedom get information on HB2056 and SB 1432 out to our constituents? I don’t know how to make this level of request to Leah Wilson, whom I’ve met personally and the Stand For Health Freedom organization. There’s no contact form option or email option on their website that I can see.

I would ask AZ constituents to support both bills and to be directed to the members of each of those committees… Information which I can provide…. In support of both bills.

My phone number was provided in my msg sent through the global wellness forum contact portal.

Thank you


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Sayer-How do we create the momentum to get this passed across the country?

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I couldn't turn the volume to hear it..thank you for this information

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