How many of those Nobel Laureates got the award for a "cure?" Not one. The last time the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for a cure was 1945 for penicillin. The Nobel Committee knows nothing about cures - how can it suppose to award prizes for medicine? https://tracykolenchuk.substack.com/p/the-nobel-cure-problem

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Pharma companies don’t pay for cures. Completely contrary to the successful business model.

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No, William Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for Ivermectoin discovery and applications.

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Yes, ivermectin cures, but, no their Nobel Prize award does not say “cure.” There was no prize for a cure. The list of Nobel Prizes awarded after 1945 does not contain the word “cure,” according to the Nobel Prize website.

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I would add James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo, who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their landmark work on immunotherapy (which happened to "cure" my own Stage IV cancer). But I'm relieved that neither is part of those suspect 77.

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Cancer can also be cured, but there is no accepted medical nor scientific test for “cancer cured.”

“The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 was awarded jointly to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo ‘for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation’” - according to the website of the Nobel Prizes. The word “cure” does not appear. The prize was not awarded for a cure, it was awarded for a “therapy.”

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Thank you Sayer for all the time you spend on our freedom and health! I do my tiny part. It makes it easier with articles like these.

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Your feedback and support keeps me going! The thanks is to you. 🙌

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Great job, Sayer! thanks for writing this. We will help spread the word.

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Thank you Sherri! You are amazing

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It looks like the five main reasons the Nobel Laureates don't want Kennedy in charge are listed clearly in this post. They don't want:

1. Full Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

2. Independent Research: Reversing the trend of corporate-funded research

3. Informed Consent in Public Health:

4. Regular Review of Health Policies:

5. Separation of Industry and Regulation.

Because these changes would challenge their status, especially if the "well established" benefits of fluoride were found to be bogus.

But, "Dear Nobel Laureates, the fact that the benefits of fluoride are bogus is already old news. Please try to keep up, instead of just 'resting on your laureleates'."

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Powerful analysis

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Since they gave Obama a Nobel Prize for nothing the prestige of a Nobel Laureate has been lowered and cheapened. Not impress with their babblings!

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Exactly. He was literally bombing Syria with depleted uranium munitions when receiving it. Since then, Nobel Prizes have lost their glow.

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A most excellent article. Thank you for shedding light on the monopoly of medical malpractice for money.

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In time the truth will speak for itself! Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their groundbreaking work on mRNA technology. To the contrary, the mRNA technology is proving that the shots are damaging. Peer review studies on the mRNA

'vaccines" are indeed bioweapons.

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This, along with many other previous Nobel prizes, has completely denigrated the entire brand. Do any of these protected academics really think that the public believes that it is the epitome of achievement any more?

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Yes, the big pharm cartel, big AG Monsanto group$ are getting worried. A Barrington Declaration with physicians, scientists & academicss should be drafted.

Also, please read Geoff Pain PhD re fluoride & other.


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I find it totally amazing that all seventy seven of the aforementioned individuals are able to display such ignorance about the topic to which they have placed their signature. Their stupidity about Fluoride is remarkable and as to polio, Doctor Frederick R. Klenner was able to cure the infectious disease without exception or need of any vaccine over 70 years ago.

I guess we need to stop listening to experts, what with 31 that don't have any conception with reality.

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Even Nobel laureates are human. It's a very important job, RFK Jr. has undertaken. Many thanks Sayer JI for this information!

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It is NOT good enough to be merely "human" as we all are.

These people promulgate their Nobel Prize as "knowing better" than the rest of us -- that they purport to have superior knowledge on matter over Bobbie Kennedy who has researched his position for decades -- particularly when their unnobel beliefs potentially kill and maim by signing a letter such as this.

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Water poisoning through fluoridation:


Nobel Mason Prize

Alfred Nobel was a Freemason.

Why was Churchill1 given the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1953 for his “speeches”, having produced 1 infamous novel nobody is able to mention? 2 Because he was a mason.3 By the way, that’s how they got the US into the war after scheming Pearl Harbor with mason Roosevelt4.

“Because of the particular position of the new laureate, the Academy gave a flexible interpretation to its rule, always scrupulously respected before, concerning the secrecy of the vote until the final count.”5

Even Churchill recognized he didn’t deserve it but sent his wife to take it and cash it anyway. 6

By the way, his complete speeches were compiled by another mason, Robert Rhodes. 7

Even if it was a political prize, why did nobody object the genocidal past of the laureate, deliberately starving 3 million Indians to death? 8 Mason cover-up: the winner gets to write history.

9 Oct 2009. Why was Barack Hussein Soetoro9 Obama given the Nobel Peace Prize, only 9 months after assuming the presidency (fake presidency, because he wasn’t even born in the USA), after doing nothing for peace10, keeping the illegal Guantanamo torture prison and 2 wars (later adding 6 more, not counting drone attacks)? He was a mason, just like most of the Nobel committee.

Why does the Nobel committee need secrecy when discussing the candidates and deciding the awards? Evil needs secrecy. The Nobel Prize is a joke: the literature prize to a beast and the peace prize to a warlord. It all makes sense!

Among too many “scientists”11, some of pedophile Epstein’s Nobel-prized acquaintances, were physicist Murray Gell-Mann, who discovered the quark, and MIT theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek and Caltech theoretical physicist Kip S. Thorne, who attended Epstein’s 2006 conference.12 In 2013, why did the chairman of the Nobel Prize committee receive masons Epstein (and Gates) in Strasbourg13 and was later received by him in NYC14? Was it just mason-buddying pedophilia? or just rigging the next prizes for mason Bill Gates? Both? Fortunately those pedos were all caught and pedo-Gates didn’t get it… yet.

26 May 2023 “the Nobel Prize (Nobel Foundation) joined forces with the US National Academy of Sciences to mount a 3-day Summit targeting the disinformation, lies, fakes, and deep fakes that are flooding the globe.” 15

Contradictory prizes to masons

1906. Theodore Roosevelt, Nobel Prize for Peace despite his role in the 1898 US-Spanish War. 1

1907. Rudyard Kipling 2

1923. Robert Andrews Millikan (physics), prominent eugenicist, to the point that he was removed from all Caltech honors.3

1945. Alexander Fleming for penicillin (he was not the discoverer!) 4

1946. Wendell Meredith Stanley Nobel Prize in Chemistry for… working with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York.

1953. Churchill, Nobel Prize for Literature!

1970. Norman Borlaug. Nobel Peace Prize for poisoning the world with Rockefeller’s glyphosate “green” revolution / “Round up” of us, the herd, for slo-culling with trace amounts of poison in the food.

1973. Henry Kissinger. Nobel Peace Prize for pushing every single war involving the USA and the CIA.

1993. Nelson Mandela. Nobel Peace Prize for legalizing abortion on demand until 9 months! 5

2006. Muhammad Yunus. Nobel Peace Prize, a WEF carbon climate action global resetter6 with “a vaccine that WILL be declared ‘a global common good’”. How would he know that by 10 Jul 2020?

His microloans target women (80%) to get them out of home and reduce births with “reproductive rights”, but fail miserably to end poverty. 7 Sentenced to 6 months in jail before becoming Prime Minister after a masonic color revolution.8

2007. Al Gore, Nobel Pease Prize for doomsday weather forecasts which never happened, like “Polar ice cap may disappear by 2014”.9

2008. Harald zur Hausen for “proving” that human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer… sponsored by AstraZeneca.10

2009. Barack Obama Nobel Prize for Peace!

2016. Nobel prize in Literature to satanist11 satanist singer Bob *Dylan for… song lyrics, handed over by mason Obama!

Nobel Peace prize for Juan Manuel Santos, president of Colombia (2010-2018), for promoting abortion and gender ideology12 and enabling the drug-guerilla FARC warlords to become elected, just as planned by mansons (just as “ex” terrorists were placed in power as planned, in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, etc.).

2019 Medicine Nobel Prize, Johns Hopkins Professor Gregg Semenza, who faked his studies, had to retract his papers and was never asked to return the money. 13

2023 Nobel Prize of Medicine to the developers of the mRNA kill shot, Drew *Weissman and Katalin Karikó, leaving out, the true finder, freedom fighter Robert Malone.14

Nobel Peace Prize to: Yasser Arafat (mason or mercenary?), the European Union (freemason controlled) …

Some well-deserved Nobel prizes

Nobel prizes are typical for masons and their mercenaries, yet there are some exceptions, for example:

1928 Literature, Sigrid Undset 15

1979 Peace, Mother Theresa of Kolkata 16

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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WOW! Very enlightening. Thank you for presenting this information. I knew that the Nobel Prize committee was a complete hoax when they awarded Obama a peace prize. Bah, Humbug! So they posture with no authority. They are merely additional pawns in the never ending war on humanity. Let's call them The Poison Pact because fluoride is indeed poison. Anyone who does not believe that fluoride is poison only needs to look at the bags in which it is shipped. That skull and crossbones means don't consume, don't breathe the dust, don't allow it on your skin. Perhaps The Poison Pact should each enjoy a spoonful of Fluoride to enjoy its many benefits.

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interesting that Kariko didn't sign that letter...

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Sayer Ji, I can't thank you enough for this article. Grateful to be a member of Green Med Info.

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It'$ pretty ea$y to gue$$ why...$$$$$$$$$$$$cience.

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This is unprecedented, thank You for this URGENT report! It is an OLD tactics by the science establishment, a cabal of the MOST dangerous to the human live, hungry to overwrite the Creator criminals. ANyone remember the 107 nobel prize winners who signed the letter in support of GENETICALLY modifying plants and not labelling them properly?? That was many years back but it sits in my mind like today, because one the 'members' on the list was actually DEAD when that latter was issued. It is interesting to note who actually DIDN't sign this letter, which speaks for itself... There is no Kariko or Ada Yonath there, yet... Looks like these names here are a GREAT PROOF of who is actively involved in the technologies aiming human extinction and might be in danger of being exposed by what more covid19 investigations will reveal.... One big name, Steven Chu, Obama's DOE director, who knows a whole heck how to manipulate DNA, etc...

And it makes my blood boiling to see Roger' message here, from Satnford, the epicenter of EUGENICS, which started with his fathers work.. Being a personal witness how he actually got his Nobel prize, while using data from his German very creative postdoc, makes me wonder, what's the real character of those 'great' winners now signing these letters with a complete ignorance of the VAERS system, with horrendous stories of DYING victims AFTER the ILLEGAL (without consent) covid19 gene therapies, falsely described everywhere as 'vaccines'..?

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A lot of sanity could be restored if everyone in "health" "care" (both individuals and organizations/institutions) were required to make public every bit and form of incentive they receive from Pharma. Junkets, payments, training, conferences, information products/access/subscriptions, grants-------every penny and type.

If a parent could easily see that their pediatrician stands to lose tens of thousands of dollars a year if the parent says no to stabs for their children, it would add an essential decision-making dimension.

If someone is making a hard decision about whether or not to start a drug, and sees that their MD/specialist went to Acapulco for a week for a sales junket for that product, it would add an essential decision-making dimension.

Pharma and its PR/propaganda agencies both inside and outside "government" constantly screech about "public" health. They constantly screech about how they are working in the "public" interest.

And we know they receive billions in public/tax dollars.

So it's time they started being treated like anyone who ever worked in a public sector job. Every little janitor or administrative assistant in any federal, state, county, or municipal job has their salaries somewhere that any taxpayer can look it up. If they get even the tiniest extra contract for extra work, you can see that. And you can look up their position title and description to see the pay range, structure, and benefits.

It's long past time "public" health employees--who can cause so much more devastation among the taxpaying public (which then has to pay for the devastation)--are held to the same standard of public sunshine and accountability.

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