Thank you for highlighting this Sayer. I read many different health related emails and you are only the second that I have seen that has highlighted the true measures behind this CR Bill.

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The underlying question is why we keep having to fight our own Speaker, who acts more like a Democrat than a Republican. Right out of the gate he reversed himself on giving money to Ukraine before our own border crisis was solved, then came an about-face on the outrageous warrantless FISA court orders. Both of those had been defining issues of Johnson's speakership campaign, and yet he stabbed us in the back. Since then it's only been more of the same. Big talk, no action. He walks into negotiations already having given away the farm, then tells us we have no choice, because...

I trust all the well-deserved criticism of this latest shameful escapade has left Johnson extremely weakened and vulnerable. There will be a lot of maneuvering over the holidays, to see what's to come of the 1/3 speakership election. We need someone in their who will FIGHT for America. Trump has reaffirmed conditional support for Johnson, but that could crumble in a day, as it did with his support for Ronna McDaniels at RNC, if a strong alternative arises.

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Just want to add to all the others comments: THANK YOU for reporting on this and opening the closed doors to everyone clueless in regard to politics (also 'law'-lessness), like me...

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Restacked : ) Right above Bad Cat's notification from only yesterday morning! Boom.

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