What if the Magi’s gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were more than symbols—holding ancient secrets of healing and divine connection that modern science is only now beginning to uncover?
Sayer, this article you wrote was really beautiful, thankyou so much! I have been very touched by it. So often in the natural health world, the Creator of all these good and healthy herbs, spices and plants we enjoy is ignored. Thankyou for reminding us all that these wonderful substances are gifts from Him to us!! Have a blessed New Year. And thankyou for Green Med Info!
Relax mejbcart, "magi" and "wise men" are, or were, synonymous. Think about it. In those societies back then, astrology was looked upon as science. These men were educated men of science, intellectuals, wise men who knew and understood things beyond the comprehension ordinary men. Even kings would consult with these "wise men" no matter that their wisdom was in matters pertaining to the occult in particular. If it bothers you that God allowed the Medo-Persian Priests to complete their mission and deliver gifts of high value to the Christ child Jesus, just in time for him to take his mother and foster father Joseph (a lowly carpenter of modest means) on an all expense paid trip to Egypt for a few years until King Herod had died, as instructed by God. So Sayer is correct to use the term Magi, Plural form of Mago (greek) or Mag (hebrew) according to McClintock & Strong Biblical Cyclopedia! I commend you for your in efforts to compare and gain accurate understanding of and insight into the scriptures, and encourage you to continue. Blessings and peace to you and your's
Mark, read the Bible, and stop to incinerate even more evil here: these "wise men" no matter that their wisdom was in matters pertaining to the occult", while making wonderful remarks about 'blessings', and 'peace'. It smells like deliberate targeting from very begin.
Sayer Ji is great in using PubMed, but not in interpreting Bible... Just my opinion.
I've been using the essential oils listed here for over 12 years. They are a staple in my home. I've used them from skin care to medicinal purposes and have found them superior to most topical over the counter pharmaceuticals. Thank you for this post and for helping others see the light. I need to look into gold; although, David Wolfe has an Ormus Gold he helped create that I'd like to try. I have also been using Coated Silver which helps with the feeling of an onset of a "cold" to help my body rebound.
Sayer, there needs to be a serious correction here. I have bibles in different languages and of different origin and the St. Matthiew books, common in all of them, describe the 3 man as 'WISE MAN' NOT 'magi'!!!! That's quite a downgrade to describe those who were able to 'read stars' with magician, equivalent to sorcerers. The content about the gifts is right but to put Jesus Christ name right next to a wrong description is simply WRONG. Please read the bible more in depth...
“The Greek word magoi, correctly translated as “Magi” (Matt. 2:1- NIV), is a plural proper noun referring to people of a specific religious group that existed in the Ancient Near East, most specifically the area of ancient Media and Persia.“
PLEASE don’t be one of those people who treats others lesser than because you don’t like their wording (though perfectly appropriate here.)
Sayer wrote an educated article. The previous comment however, I can see errors and inaccuracies.
Be wise all readers and don’t assume proper accuracy without doing your own research. God Bless us, everyone.
if somebody decides to write about Bible, then USE THE WORDS mentioned there, in this case 'WISE MEN', and DO NOT INTERPRET with your own DOWNGRADING wording the important stories. This is my OPINION, and no 'treatment' of others.. On the contrary, this story here treats WISE MEN as 'magi', a JOKE!
Sayer, this article you wrote was really beautiful, thankyou so much! I have been very touched by it. So often in the natural health world, the Creator of all these good and healthy herbs, spices and plants we enjoy is ignored. Thankyou for reminding us all that these wonderful substances are gifts from Him to us!! Have a blessed New Year. And thankyou for Green Med Info!
Relax mejbcart, "magi" and "wise men" are, or were, synonymous. Think about it. In those societies back then, astrology was looked upon as science. These men were educated men of science, intellectuals, wise men who knew and understood things beyond the comprehension ordinary men. Even kings would consult with these "wise men" no matter that their wisdom was in matters pertaining to the occult in particular. If it bothers you that God allowed the Medo-Persian Priests to complete their mission and deliver gifts of high value to the Christ child Jesus, just in time for him to take his mother and foster father Joseph (a lowly carpenter of modest means) on an all expense paid trip to Egypt for a few years until King Herod had died, as instructed by God. So Sayer is correct to use the term Magi, Plural form of Mago (greek) or Mag (hebrew) according to McClintock & Strong Biblical Cyclopedia! I commend you for your in efforts to compare and gain accurate understanding of and insight into the scriptures, and encourage you to continue. Blessings and peace to you and your's
Mark, read the Bible, and stop to incinerate even more evil here: these "wise men" no matter that their wisdom was in matters pertaining to the occult", while making wonderful remarks about 'blessings', and 'peace'. It smells like deliberate targeting from very begin.
Sayer Ji is great in using PubMed, but not in interpreting Bible... Just my opinion.
Amen to this!
We are so disconnected from real health care
I've been using the essential oils listed here for over 12 years. They are a staple in my home. I've used them from skin care to medicinal purposes and have found them superior to most topical over the counter pharmaceuticals. Thank you for this post and for helping others see the light. I need to look into gold; although, David Wolfe has an Ormus Gold he helped create that I'd like to try. I have also been using Coated Silver which helps with the feeling of an onset of a "cold" to help my body rebound.
Nicely done. Thank you.
Jesus was not merely the anointed king of the Jews. He was their messiah which they reject, but He is the KING of KINGS for the entire world.
Sayer, there needs to be a serious correction here. I have bibles in different languages and of different origin and the St. Matthiew books, common in all of them, describe the 3 man as 'WISE MAN' NOT 'magi'!!!! That's quite a downgrade to describe those who were able to 'read stars' with magician, equivalent to sorcerers. The content about the gifts is right but to put Jesus Christ name right next to a wrong description is simply WRONG. Please read the bible more in depth...
“The Greek word magoi, correctly translated as “Magi” (Matt. 2:1- NIV), is a plural proper noun referring to people of a specific religious group that existed in the Ancient Near East, most specifically the area of ancient Media and Persia.“
PLEASE don’t be one of those people who treats others lesser than because you don’t like their wording (though perfectly appropriate here.)
Sayer wrote an educated article. The previous comment however, I can see errors and inaccuracies.
Be wise all readers and don’t assume proper accuracy without doing your own research. God Bless us, everyone.
if somebody decides to write about Bible, then USE THE WORDS mentioned there, in this case 'WISE MEN', and DO NOT INTERPRET with your own DOWNGRADING wording the important stories. This is my OPINION, and no 'treatment' of others.. On the contrary, this story here treats WISE MEN as 'magi', a JOKE!