Wow, Sayer! You did it again. This is so impactful, well-written, and sourced. This Substack is a must-read for everyone. Thank you! What a blow to the bad guys and a win for America and the world! Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!

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Thank you!

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To the biggest genocide against women

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For years I have written about USAID's involvement in financing the Illegal Alien Caravans. But they obviously have their hands involved in censorship and many other programs that go against the interests of the American People. USAID is obviously a significant hub of the Deep State and dismembering this monster will probably save the American People hundreds of billions of dollars moving forward.

Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?

Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions

Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?

By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?

Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases



[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.

The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change

Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires


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Trump is certainly duplicitous, and his recent upheaval of USAID and other issues like two genders could very well be distractions, while he lets Elon and the technocrats run around and imprison us in their cage of wireless radiation. https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/asheville

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Trump is NOT "certainly "duplicitous"!!!! Yes, many things "could" be true but that does not mean that they ARE!!!

The predonderance of evidence supports that his words are congruent with his actions and your over-eagerness to throw him under the bus with duplicitous interpretations reveals YOU for your agenda... to do anything to discontinue his work to clean up the USAID SWAMP and YOUR support for the truly deceitful tyranny of the C lowns I n A merica. Or perhaps your ego just cannot bear for you to be ultimately PROVEN WRONG.

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You raise good questions about concerns which I share. I also hope that President Trump will take action about all of the issues you summarized succintly and I think it is important that We the People bring our legitimate concerns about these issues to his attention and that of his cabinet and others who are in the position of being the representatives of the people.

I also think it is early to assume that he will not take action on our behalf. Changing a deeply entrenched system and a mind-controlled populace (who don't even suspect that everything they know is very little after all) cannot be done by a purely frontal assault. As I am sure you know, strategy under the circumstances requires that in some cases one must keep their enemies "closer" while assembling the forces that will undermine the unwanted outcomes they are far along in manifesting.

I admittedly, tend to believe that this President will ultimately make the right choices for the best interests and needs of the people but contrary to the rude mischaracterization of DJT

s supporters, I am not "in a cult"!!! and am under no delusion that he is infallible or that the actions you itemize are not also of continuing concern to me. I am heartened by his choice of cabinet members and the fact that he genuinely listens to the ideas and opinions of others including those who disagree with him. There are many dragons to be slain in the process of getting this right and I see that he and the people he keeps closest are analyzing the field and choosing their battles strategically and with as much transparency as possible.

One thing I find encouraging is that Elon Musk had a falling out with Sam Altman when he realized that Altman (rather like Lenin) made it clear to him that Altman had no trouble with the probable cost in terms of human lives to achieve Altman's goals for AI. Both Musk and DJT have repeatedly affirmed that ALL LIVES MATTER as a foundational principle in the resolution of the problems, we, as a country, and We as members of the human race, face going forward in the pursuit of what America meant to all of the people who came here after being driven from their homelands and denied the expression of their cultures, languages, and the basic necessities of survival. I believe that DJT demonstrates in word and deed that he supports the success of all nations and his efforts are directed towards providing opportunities for the leaders of other nations to use their unique position to work for the good of their own people and thereby make possible the greatness of every nation in their own right. What I am describing is that I observe DJT to advance the principle of

WIN/WIN which is difficult to prove to people who have deeply inculcated the theory that for anyone to win, there must be a "loser". The win/lose presumption - as history and personal experience have proven... is a prescription for failure after the initial glow of prevailing has dissipated. Win/Win requires faith (and Love for one's fellow humans) and is generally a spirit that is cultivated in the natural human form of self-organization known as "community", where it quickly becomes evident that the fallout from win/lose sabotages the highest hopes of all of its members. The surest test of character is to give someone "a little Power" (essentially, any advantage that they can exploit). Thus far, overall, my impression of DJT is that he understands that very well and as long as that remains true, I support his leadership.

Somewhere I read that a "leader" is the one who is the first over the hill, most likely to take "an arrow to the head" I pray that nothing like that should befall this man who has thus far, demonstrated qualities of leadership that frankly, humanity, is sorely in need of. No one of us is "perfect" (and I need hardly remind anyone of what humanity has done so far with the one man who most probably "was") It is important that the many keep our leader informed of our legitimate concerns but to regard him as someone who has already "sold us out" or to assume that he will is extremely premature. If he is in fact a true Leader (and until we know without a doubt otherwise) I believe that as the people who have appointed him as the best candidate for that role, it is our job to support him as much as we are able.

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The lengthy reply above is to Bruce Cain's thoughtful and relevant evaluation of legitimate things to take into consideration about the new, as of January 2025, "Leader of the Free World" begins the work of reversing the disastrous actions of the intermediary occupant of the WH.

My criticism was directed at Roman Shaparov, who was seizing on any hint of doubt regarding DJT- to attempt to re-invigorate his own, advanced case of TDS, wherever he can manufacture the possibility of an opportunity.

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Did USAaid fund BLM & antifa?

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Almost certainly the net zero lie, you would think, and all globalist fearmongering lies.

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I wonder if President Trump’s new attorney general will bring in the CEO’s of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and the previous owner of twitter to face charges of suppressing free speech. It looks like USAID had a soupçon of cia fingerlings helping to distribute our taxes for and to nefarious organisations and people. Like the Kennedy assassinations, 9/11, Hawaii and more recently pacific palisades fires….many have suspected American involvement. After the covid debacle, nothing should surprise us. There is so much corruption throughout our gov’t, Elon Musk will need quite a few young brilliant minds to complete his job.

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About the BBC announcing the collapse of Building 7, WTC during 9-11, 20 minutes BEFORE it actually happened. Building 7, where all the USAID money laundering for the CIA’s drugs, arms and sex slave trafficking via the Cartels they control for off books slush funding was. $$$

About that BBC show Trigger Point, with it’s exploding drone attack on power grids. And exploding lithium batteries in rent-a-bikes in London. A month before the exploding pagers of Hezbollah.

About that BBC show The Rig, about mining rare earth nodules in the Arctic. You know…Canadia 51st State plus Greenland.

About that BBC 2019 movie Official Secrets. That outs The Drudge Report as a USAID front. First as a Blue Dress Cigar Pizza smoke screen to keep Bubba Clintonista in the Oral Office. After taking $$$ from the Communist Chinese Army for his 1996 reelection campaign. Aka ChinaGate. And then The Drudge Report USAID was used to push fake news WMD in Iraq. 🧐


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I note that the European Commission is also a substantial BBC donor, despite the fact that the UK is no longer a member of the EU! There has obviously been a global left-wing conspiracy to censor the truth (known to them as misinformation and disinformation) and hopefully this is the start of the end to it.

Unfortunately, under Labour, the BBC is not going to change and, in fact, it is the ability of the BBC to propagandize the "official narrative" that makes UK Governments maintain the TV License fee to support the BBC despite the fact that it is widely despised and most people would prefer the cancellation of the License fee and for the BBC to compete in the free media market like everyone else.

But at least the cold hard truth about what has been going on should now be obvious for all to see.

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hola, sayer.

i appreciate your clear and concise detailing of the role usaid had in influencing public opinion through the media in britain and around the world. operation mockingbird in action — which, of course, was 'officially' shut down after being exposed(?), partially, in the frank church senate investigations that included looking at the cia's use of venom in the development of the heart attack gun — another story.

here is a short overview of operation mockingbird.

Revealing the Dark History of CIA Propaganda: Operation Mockingbird

Chegan SRM; Jan 27, 2023 (Updated: Feb 10, 2023)


your short article is important and the implications are huge and even more important.

and i've shared it in my social media world.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy. 🙏❤️🧘‍♂️🙌☯️🙌🧘‍♂️❤️🙏

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British and US top players are on everything together I do believe. Remember the 2015 book by Steven M. Druker "ALTERED GENES, TWISTED TRUTH: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public."

It was actually Clinton (possibly 'influenced' by Monsanto..) who completely shut down the proof of collateral damage to exp. animals by the first genetically modified corn crops??? Welcome trust must soon show up on the list and everythinh else like Scripps Institute, NC uni with Ralf Baric, etc., etc..., maybe all in connection with Medic...

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Soooo…. All those $millions of US tax dollars that go to PBS, to fund London’s BBC programs to play on US PBS….🧐

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Great research, Sayer! It is amazing to see what stupid galoots these imposters are when their 'game' is revealed for all to see. You've made clear why people don't need these 'groups' of special interests to tell them what is good and bad. They have the equipment, mostly unused, to make those determinations for themselves. These 'advisors/controllers' need to be sent packing across the board. They represent the direct opposite of freedom and should be shunned for the criminal cons they are. Thanks again for sharing this!

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What a revelation. The dominos are falling.

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USAID and BBC Media Action look like terrorist organisations

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Thank you for this and for getting the word out. It surely will help if RFK makes it through!

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So what USAID funds have been allocated to "dirty work" in Australian politics? Not that the current crew can't perform dirty tricks without foreign intervention!

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The fourth Branch became part of the deep state somewhere along the line of the government power grab. It was probably shortly after the JFK murder.

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How many millions are funneled to one agency, only to be transferred to another agency for clandestine operations? A money laundering scheme with kickbacks for the "politicians" enabling it. We live in a truly corrupt world, the Gospel message the only saving grace. Be...in the Word.

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