It's the same playbook as covid. They claim the culling is for our own good. It's all about the lie that the killing is for your safety, just like lockdowns, masking and needles were, for the scamdemic. Behind the scenes they're propping up big AG, forcing out regenerative farms, ensuring that the survivors of the "bird flu" don't survive the cull to pass on immunity. They want to keep feeding us their GMO fed unhealthy products to keep us sick and make a lot of money doing it. Control of the food supply and ultimately us is their goal but they need to keep the false narrative going or their golden goose is going to croak.
We Must Restore Sanity to Agriculture, YES, and the sanity in food prices, here in CA, 12 eggs for ~13$ in some places, or actually even empty shelves.. That's a tragedy.
Godless Hell bound nations deserve & get Godless medicine, our beloved medical system has only had to pay 50 billion in fraud fines in order to stay in the business of killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually! (According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the more accurate book by Dr Null, Death by Medicine!) God save us from Big Pharma's death fruas & evil!
The powers that shouldn't be are doing everything they can to destroy food production and food distribution. $5 eggs, $10 tomatoes and $7 potatoes are very real possibilities.
$40/gallon gasoline and $10/kWh electricity are also very real possibilities if they have their way. In many European countries, as a result of the destruction of Nordstream, there are people who have to choose between going hungry or freezing.
As for the answer to avian flue...... The more people that understand that it's all fiction, and the faster they do, the better. Fear is the weapon of choice for the powers that shouldn't be.
RFK needs to get right on changing government regulations, so that not only the flocks won't be exterminated, but we won't either. Because that's what all the culling is REALLY about.
There are only a handful of sensible voices in agriculture today, and Joel’s is by far the voice I love to hear. Get this man more advisory positions in the government TODAY. We’ve allowed the insanity to go on for far too long.
One of the funniest parts of the story that nobody talks about is the fact that dead chickens are composted and mixed with feed and fed back to the chickens
I do agree with a lot of what's said here. Industrial agriculture is, indeed, a recipe for mass deaths, because monocultures are inherently unhealthy.
Ethical farming does, however, produce a much more expensive result - eggs $1 each, chicken meat $20/kg. Are you willing to pay that? DO you pay that? Because if you don't - if you insist on cheap AND ethical poultry products - then you're part of the problem, not the solution.
I have serious concerns, however, about this blithe "breed for resistance" thing that's going around.
It's so easy to _say_ "breed for resistance". Do you have poultry? Have you seen a respiratory illness go through your flock? Did you then try to breed from the survivors?
I have. I'm in Australia, where the high-pathogen avian influenza version (H5N1) hasn't yet arrived. We do have other varieties and they flare up all the time; there's one happening right now.
In 2010, an illness called Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) went around domestic flocks in the country. It was largely undiagnosed, but a had friends who took theirs to vets and had it confirmed.
I thought what my birds had was a related illness; Coryza, because they didn't have the distinct mucoussy blood of ILT.
I lost 2/3 of my large, home-bred, semi-commercial (over 100 birds) flock at that time. The heartbreak and stress levels were insane.
I kept the survivors and bred on from them. They were exposed to the illness and carried in, but they were largely unsymptomatic. Largely. But.
Every year; every.single.year, I'd lose 2-3 birds to the same illness - frothy eyes, choking, and death.
Fast-forward to late 2020. It flared up, big-time. I lost 12 birds in 11 days and once the dust settled, I'd lost 20 birds out of 60 - 1/3 of my flock. They'd be fine one day, choking to death on their congested lungs the next. This wasn't some huge commercial flock where you can't look at every bird daily - this was my small flock, and I knew every bird in it. And I cried at the loss of every one of those birds.
This time, I got it diagnosed, taking two unwell birds to the vet to be post-mortemed and tested. Not Coryza. ILT, minus the bloody mucous. It's a virus, like influenza is, that is carried by any bird exposed to it, and occasionally triggering the symptoms that cause death if they're not treated.
I chose not to treat it, instead running a closed flock. No more breeding. I was going to let my flock die out, concentrating instead on ducks and guineafowl which aren't affected by the virus.
I'd had enough of the constant deaths.
So sure, go ahead, try breed for avian influenza resistance. Sure, it'll work - sort of. Humans have been living with the virus for millennia, and we're still around.
But we've been dying from the virus for millennia as well. Watching a human or other animal you know and love choking to death on their own lungs suddenly makes all those statistics and fine words about "breeding for resistance" utterly, entirely hollow.
Are you really prepared the pay the price for something so unethical?
They cull humans by fooling us into thinking that BigSick & BigAg are for our Health, but these systems are emplaced to control our very existence. Same system. God Complex. Or Satan Worseshit (sic).
It's the same playbook as covid. They claim the culling is for our own good. It's all about the lie that the killing is for your safety, just like lockdowns, masking and needles were, for the scamdemic. Behind the scenes they're propping up big AG, forcing out regenerative farms, ensuring that the survivors of the "bird flu" don't survive the cull to pass on immunity. They want to keep feeding us their GMO fed unhealthy products to keep us sick and make a lot of money doing it. Control of the food supply and ultimately us is their goal but they need to keep the false narrative going or their golden goose is going to croak.
We Must Restore Sanity to Agriculture, YES, and the sanity in food prices, here in CA, 12 eggs for ~13$ in some places, or actually even empty shelves.. That's a tragedy.
Isn't it amazing that when our nation was more Chruch & Home oriented, there was less crime & more Sanity?
Godless Hell bound nations deserve & get Godless medicine, our beloved medical system has only had to pay 50 billion in fraud fines in order to stay in the business of killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually! (According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the more accurate book by Dr Null, Death by Medicine!) God save us from Big Pharma's death fruas & evil!
Eggs from factory farms are not healthy. They’re loaded with PUFAs because or their soy/corn feed. Same with the meat.
The powers that shouldn't be are doing everything they can to destroy food production and food distribution. $5 eggs, $10 tomatoes and $7 potatoes are very real possibilities.
$40/gallon gasoline and $10/kWh electricity are also very real possibilities if they have their way. In many European countries, as a result of the destruction of Nordstream, there are people who have to choose between going hungry or freezing.
As for the answer to avian flue...... The more people that understand that it's all fiction, and the faster they do, the better. Fear is the weapon of choice for the powers that shouldn't be.
RFK needs to get right on changing government regulations, so that not only the flocks won't be exterminated, but we won't either. Because that's what all the culling is REALLY about.
There are only a handful of sensible voices in agriculture today, and Joel’s is by far the voice I love to hear. Get this man more advisory positions in the government TODAY. We’ve allowed the insanity to go on for far too long.
Now that’s an idea I could truly get behind; put Joel in Kennedy inner circle and watch them change the world!
One of the funniest parts of the story that nobody talks about is the fact that dead chickens are composted and mixed with feed and fed back to the chickens
I very much doubt they pull out the chickens who were sick.
I wouldn't put it past the ruling class to get around to using the same "disease strategy elimination" with humans that they used with the bird kills.
I do agree with a lot of what's said here. Industrial agriculture is, indeed, a recipe for mass deaths, because monocultures are inherently unhealthy.
Ethical farming does, however, produce a much more expensive result - eggs $1 each, chicken meat $20/kg. Are you willing to pay that? DO you pay that? Because if you don't - if you insist on cheap AND ethical poultry products - then you're part of the problem, not the solution.
I have serious concerns, however, about this blithe "breed for resistance" thing that's going around.
It's so easy to _say_ "breed for resistance". Do you have poultry? Have you seen a respiratory illness go through your flock? Did you then try to breed from the survivors?
I have. I'm in Australia, where the high-pathogen avian influenza version (H5N1) hasn't yet arrived. We do have other varieties and they flare up all the time; there's one happening right now.
In 2010, an illness called Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) went around domestic flocks in the country. It was largely undiagnosed, but a had friends who took theirs to vets and had it confirmed.
I thought what my birds had was a related illness; Coryza, because they didn't have the distinct mucoussy blood of ILT.
I lost 2/3 of my large, home-bred, semi-commercial (over 100 birds) flock at that time. The heartbreak and stress levels were insane.
I kept the survivors and bred on from them. They were exposed to the illness and carried in, but they were largely unsymptomatic. Largely. But.
Every year; every.single.year, I'd lose 2-3 birds to the same illness - frothy eyes, choking, and death.
Fast-forward to late 2020. It flared up, big-time. I lost 12 birds in 11 days and once the dust settled, I'd lost 20 birds out of 60 - 1/3 of my flock. They'd be fine one day, choking to death on their congested lungs the next. This wasn't some huge commercial flock where you can't look at every bird daily - this was my small flock, and I knew every bird in it. And I cried at the loss of every one of those birds.
This time, I got it diagnosed, taking two unwell birds to the vet to be post-mortemed and tested. Not Coryza. ILT, minus the bloody mucous. It's a virus, like influenza is, that is carried by any bird exposed to it, and occasionally triggering the symptoms that cause death if they're not treated.
I chose not to treat it, instead running a closed flock. No more breeding. I was going to let my flock die out, concentrating instead on ducks and guineafowl which aren't affected by the virus.
I'd had enough of the constant deaths.
So sure, go ahead, try breed for avian influenza resistance. Sure, it'll work - sort of. Humans have been living with the virus for millennia, and we're still around.
But we've been dying from the virus for millennia as well. Watching a human or other animal you know and love choking to death on their own lungs suddenly makes all those statistics and fine words about "breeding for resistance" utterly, entirely hollow.
Are you really prepared the pay the price for something so unethical?
They cull humans by fooling us into thinking that BigSick & BigAg are for our Health, but these systems are emplaced to control our very existence. Same system. God Complex. Or Satan Worseshit (sic).